Shoes can enhance the entire look and can make it even better. There are many trending shoes that you can go for according to your dress codes. Some of the most trending and unique shoes to go for this year are:
Army green shoes
These are perfect for the casual wear if you are going for the army green jacket or t-shirt. These shoes can also be paired with the black casual outfit. If you want to go for the different color these are some good pair of shoes to invest in. choose the soul heel of the shoes in white color to give out some contrast. It will make your shoes look more expensive. Do not go for the light army green as they don’t look that much effective as compared to the rich green army color.

Transparent shoes
If you are looking for some trending style in shoes you can go for the transparent shoes. These are towards the expensive side but can give you the unique and beautiful look. You can pair these shoes easily on any miniskirts or skater skirts to get the girly cute look instantly. These shoes shine giving out the rainbow colors detailing in some parts. You can pair these shoes along with the trendy transparent handbag to get the amazing look.

Rose gold shiny shoes
Rose gold color always looks attractive and feminine. These shoes can enhance the entire look and make it more posh and girly. You can wear these shoes along with the white color dress or tops. These shoes are perfect if you are going out on the movie dates. You can pair them with the high waist skirt or jeans and you are good to go. If you are looking for the perfect instagram picture you can definitely go for these shiny shoes.

Chunky heels
The trends of chunky heels in the women shoes are all over the social media. These look gorgeous on the professional dress code. You can pair it with the oversized blazers and coats along with the shirts and trousers. These also look amazing on knee length dresses and give you the instant chic look.

Glittery heels
Glittery heels are most trending footwear that you can go for. These can be paired up with prom and wedding dresses too. You can also pair them with glittery or sequenced dresses which are mostly worn in the club. The colors can be selected according to your preferences.