Ready to meet the upcoming Miami masquerade

Are you in Miami, where is you going to be incredible? What about the make-up dance? In October this year, Miami has a lot of great fancy dresses.

Maybe you want to attend the third annual masquerade hosted by Long Gown Dress MrGouyad Entertainment and TNL Records on October 21, October 27 how to join the moonlight make-up dance?

No matter what activity or party you intend to attend, you need to be ready. In this article, I will discuss some tips on how to prepare a masquerade.

How are you ready for a masquerade ball?

1.Know the theme of the ball

The first thing you need to do is know the whole theme of the ball. This is done for the convenience of your plan.

For example, in the moonlight show on October 27th, the overall theme is astrology. Simulate your clothes and accessories to suit the theme.

In addition, there are some events that require you to have a formal fit, there are some casual clothes.

2.Wear a suitable mask

What makes the make-up dance become great is the freedom to wear beautiful masquerade masks. This is for further excitement because you will not know the presence of people. They will only know after a while in the party.

Now, this is linked to the first tip. You must first understand the theme of the ball. You can choose to use the masks you can buy at the store or online, or create your own masks.

I found that creating my own mask is more interesting because you are free to adjust your preferences.

If you do not know how to create a mask from scratch, you can buy a mask and then adjust it by adding your favorite accessories.


When it comes to makeup, you have to keep in mind that the mask becomes a star program. This means that you should only focus on the facial features that others will see.

Most masks cover most of the face, except for eyelashes, cheeks and lips. Indicating that these facial features will be highlighted. Perhaps wearing a red lipstick to match your mask will be the best?


Now, there are some fancy dresses that require you to wear a covered suit, and some of the places you need to wear with the theme.

For example, the theme of the upcoming third annual masquerade is red and white. This means that you can wear clothing that uses both colors.

In addition, ask the party is a formal or a casual. As mentioned earlier, when you attend a formal party, you must wear a long dress or robe. For casual balls, you can wear whatever you want. Just make sure it matches the theme of the dancing ball.

Finally, the mask is important for this event. If you can not create yourself, do not worry; there are some events that sell camouflage masks in the field.


For accessories, the only thing to remember is not to make it so gorgeous, thus obscuring too much attention.

Remember that the mask is the most important side of the dancing ball. If anything, the accessories should be emphasized or added to the mask.


As for footwear, it must meet two criteria: it must meet the dress requirements and must be comfortable enough to wear for a long time.

In a masquerade, you are likely to be asked to dance. That is why it is so important that you wear your shoes / slippers very comfortable.

Additional tips

There are some things that need your own food. If so, I suggest an appetizer and a dish.

· Muffles are fun activities, so be sure to participate in the game and dance

· If you do not have your own masquerade mask, are there any one you can buy at the venue. Often, event organizers know that this happens, so they stand there and can buy masks for the party.

in conclusion

Miami has a lot of upcoming masquerades. If you are about to attend, you need to be prepared.

Make your clothes ready, have the necessary accessories, wear the appropriate shoes, the most important thing is, do not forget the masquerade mask!

I hope you can enjoy the next masquerade!

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